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This year's program will hosted by The University of Mississippi June 8-13, 2025

The American Legion Auxiliary of Mississippi is proud to host The Annual American Legion Auxiliary Magnolia Girls State 

We Are

Our Mission


This year we are so excited to welcome back past director 

Angela Kilcrease for the 2025 session!​ By her side, we

welcome Abby Burris and Camille Bullock to the

Girls State Staff

The American Legion Auxiliary is proud to host annually the largest young women's leadership conference in the magnolia state of Mississippi. Established in 1936, Girls State provides students, having just completed their junior year in high school, with an intensive week studying responsible citizenship, government, and leadership. The citizens will spend a week self-governing within their assigned municipality by electing officials, debating bills, and solving community problems. They should leave the week with a better understanding of local and state government, and how to be an active citizen within their communities.


The American Legion Auxiliary Magnolia Girls State Committee is made up of auxiliary members who volunteer their time from all over the state of Mississippi. 

Founded in 1919, the American Legion Auxiliary is the world’s largest patriotic women’s service organization. With a membership of nearly 850,000, local American Legion Auxiliary units have a strong presence in more than 9,500 communities nationwide. The American Legion Auxiliary’s mission to serve veterans, their families and their communities is carried out through its hundreds of outreach programs delivered by its members, volunteers and National Headquarters


What We Do

Since 1937, more than one million politically savvy young women have attended American Legion Auxiliary Girls State. Girls State has produced more successful women than any other girls’ citizenship training program in the country. 

Governmental Processes

Each program is state-run and thus unique to the state in which it is held. Cutting-edge political topics ensure that the debates are relevant, lively and passionate. Fierce political campaigns are held to elect a Girls State governor, party officials, and pass legislation. 

Influential Speakers

Girls will have the opportunity to meet with some of their own state representatives and senators, who are genuinely interested in the fresh ideas of these future leaders. Local and state elected officials will be our guests during the week Magnolia Girls State to draw on their expertise to give the delegates a realistic view of government.

Mock State Government

For the fictional self-governing state of Magnolia, delegates/citizens will elect their own leaders, write bills for debate and run a legislative session. In the process, these leaders—class presidents, top varsity athletes, artists, debate champions–dynamically engage with state representatives and senators.

Personal Growth In Leadership

This program not only instills in its attendees a sense of pride and loyalty in America, but also prepares young women for a career in politics, public service, and excellence along their career path. It is the chance to plunge head-first into democracy, develop sharp leadership skills, and create the foundation for informed and responsible world citizenship.

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Mailing Address

PO Box 1382,
Jackson, MS

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