The American Legion Auxiliary unit and the high school should work together to follow the information given below. Please read the information below carefully before beginning the process of selection.
They are a United States citizen or legal inhabitant of the United State and will provide documentation at the start of Girls State
They have completed or are completing their junior year in high school
They are interested in government and current events
They have high moral character
They have strong leadership abilities
They have an above average scholastic standing
Girls State Citizens are a diverse group who share a common desire to learn. From small towns to urban areas, the delegates’ different backgrounds add spirit to the program.
Selection Process
Girls State is intended for the most outstanding girls, from the standpoint of leadership, character, and scholarship in the high schools. Only those girls who will enthusiastically devote their FULL TIME to increasing their knowledge, while at the same time advancing the whole Girls State Program, should be chosen.
Girls State is intended for the most outstanding girls, from the standpoint of leadership, character, and scholarship in the high schools. Only those girls who will enthusiastically devote their FULL TIME to increasing their knowledge, while at the same time advancing the whole Girls State Program, should be chosen.
Sponsor Information
No girl interested in Magnolia Girls State should be restricted from coming because of financial burden. See the link below to find a active and sponsoring American Legion Auxiliary units. If your local unit does not sponsor delegates, civic organizations and businesses such as Rotary Club and other local financial institutions.
Click here to learn more about the sponsoring units